On July 4th—6th, the annual missionary conference “The Last Harvest” took place. The theme was “I Searched for a Man” (Ezekiel 22:30). The Lord is looking for those who are prepared to accept the challenge from him—to stay in the gap for the lands, for the nations, and for souls. Church-Family and lots of friends from different cities and countries gathered together to thank God for the work that was done, to get the vision and the fresh word from God, and to be filled with his power and inspiration for further ministry.
The coordinator of the missionary school “Live School”, Boris Kablov, was preaching at the conference opening. He said that to serve in the world, it’s important to have the revelation that we are the citizens of heaven.

Also, during the live video call, our missionaries in India, Evgeny and Elena Igoshevs, told us that it’s important for the Church to go on a mission to get the fullness of Christ and not lose the meaning of its own existence.

Various master classes were held during the day. Pastor Andrey Chernov, from the city of Vladimir, spoke about the discipline of leadership. “True discipline is to walk in the light” (James 5:16).

Our dear friend, Pastor Kim Hyung-Gyun, spoke about serving the African people and how the essence of the mission is to save the human soul—not large-scale evangelism.

Boris Kablov at the master class “The Gifts of the Holy Spirit in Action” spoke about how important it is to bear the fruit of the Spirit, and his gifts help us in this. The Lord challenges those who are zealous for the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and all who desire their manifestation must be very sensitive to the Holy Spirit.

Our friend from South Africa, Pastor Frederik Ernst Steenkamp, said that we are called to love the forsaken and bring hope to this world.

Each meeting was filled with the powerful presence of the Holy Spirit. Through creative performances, the prophecy that all nations would glorify Christ was released.

At the evening service, Pastor Sardor, who was live with us on video, testified about the ministry in Uzbekistan and encouraged the Church, saying that Jesus is always near.

Pastor Ruslan Andreichenko from Mongolia was live with us as well. He spoke a prophetic message about the goal of the Church—find people who are followed by demons who want to steal, kill, and destroy, and bring them the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Pastor Freddie talked about the “roar” of hope: “Where are your children today? When you ‘roar’, your sons return. When you praise and worship, God will send angels to gather your children.”

At the morning service of the second day of the conference, Pastor Evgeny Rumyantsev, during a video call, spoke about serving in Indonesia, inviting us to serve the sea gypsies with him.

Pastor Andrey Chernov continued the morning service. In his sermon, he said that God is looking for workers, and we must present ourselves worthy before the Lord.

The decoration of the morning service was the creative performances of the team from the Chukotka.

The master classes during the day covered a wide variety of topics. Pastor Esperanza Steenkamp spoke about the spiritual health of the reapers of the last harvest. Bishop Mikhail Kasyanov spoke about the seven pillars of society that the Church should install in it. “I Searched for a Worshipper” was the theme of the seminar held by Pastor Vyacheslav Chistyakov. He shared thoughts on the importance of worship in the secret room. Pastor Saifulla Kazykhodjaev spoke about the features of serving the Asian people.

At the evening service, Pastor Willie Crew, the founder and director of the Live School World Mission Center, was live with us and gave us great encouragement.

Pastor Urin Nasirov shared with us in his video message important news: the Bible has begun to be translated into the language of the Lyuli people!

Pastor Kim spoke a fundamental word about the difference between knowing about God and knowing God himself. The most important thing in our lives is to have an intimate relationship with the Lord! The day ended with a powerful prayer for a deep relationship with God!

The third day of the conference began with a water baptism. Our brothers and sisters have made a testament to God. Some did it for the first time; others renewed their testament. We believe that it was a conscious step for everyone, and we pray that everyone will remain faithful to their promise.

In the afternoon, Pastor Samuel, in his video message, shared with us his belief that the answer for Myanmar is only Christ. People are thirsty for the Gospel. He also encouraged young people to pray that God would send them on a mission.

During the afternoon service, Pastor Freddie gave the young people an important message: in ministry and mission, we should rely only on God and not depend on finances and our capabilities.

At the evening service, we watched a message from our friend, Pastor Chai, from Cambodia. He said that we should continue moving on. We need to be grateful that God trusts us, but we also need to dream big and go with the Lord.

At the evening service, Bishop Mikhail Kasyanov preached about the power and authority from God: “Mission is not just witnessing to people about Jesus. It is turning people’s hearts to Christ, showing them the way, and giving them the strength that God has given us. Otherwise, people will not survive in this world.”

At the Sunday service, Pastor Igor Goloskubov preached that it is important for us to leave lust, grumbling, and arrogance in order to enter the Promised Land. And also to be a servant who loves, forgives, and gives hope.

At the end of the service, an important event took place—Ilya and Olesya Chistyakovs were ordained to pastoral ministry.

Bishop Mikhail Kasyanov spoke about how important it is to not reject leadership in your life. Remember that silent people are the most dangerous people in the church.

The service ended with abundant congratulations to the Chistyakov couple on their ordination.

At the conference “The Last Harvest—2024” God spoke important truths, after which many people made life-changing decisions.

There is a lot of harvest, let’s continue moving on, but, forgetting what’s behind, will reach forward and raise the new generation!